How to Learn English Speaking Skills

If English was not your birth language, you may need to find ways to learn English speaking skills so you can talk to others in English. Maybe you understand some of the words, but are afraid to speak English or are not sure how to use the words to build correct sentences.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Repeat short phrases or sentences

One of the best ways to become more fluent in spoken English is to practice short phrases and sentences over and over again until the sounds and rhythms begin to feel more natural.

You can listen to English being spoken on websites, news broadcasts, or in language apps, and then try to say the same things several times. Even if you repeat just one or two words at first, you will find yourself feeling more confident in how to say those words or phrases.

Some of the language apps, such as Rosetta Stone, can actually check your pronunciation of words or phrases as you repeat what you hear. This can help you say the English words with the correct sounds and rhythms, which will build your confidence.

2. Record yourself speaking

A great way to test yourself without a Language app is to use your phone's recording feature as you speak English phrases. You can then listen to yourself and compare your speaking to the same phrases on websites.

However, many of the language learning apps have this feature already built in to the app, so you may decide to use the app instead of recording yourself.

3. Find a conversation partner

If you live in one of the countries that speak English, you can find someone to be your conversation partner (a person who already speaks English well and is willing to meet with you for free to let you practice speaking).

Here in the US (United States), many churches host free English classes and often have volunteers who are willing to meet you at a coffee shop or library to chat and discuss various topics. Volunteers can also help you meet new English-speaking friends and learn about American culture.

From an English conversation volunteer:

"During several years that I was an English language conversation volunteer, I became friends with many international students who were in the U.S. to study. I still stay in touch with many of them to this day. I encourage you to find a conversation partner to help with your English speaking skills... you might just find a friend for life, too!"

Almost anywhere in the world, you can find someone who speaks English, but you should always keep safety in mind when selecting a conversation partner. It's usually best to ask for recommendations at schools, churches, or even at the U.S. Embassy or consulate in your country.

When you meet with a friend for conversation, you will have a safe space where it's OK to make mistakes. Your conversation partner will be happy to help you find the correct words and learn how to pronounce them.

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